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A Brief History: About
Astronomical Clock


​ The History of Modding...


  • Over recent years custom modifying (or “Modding”) of recognised watch brands has really taken off, with individuals wanting to update / modernise / customise their existing wrist watches. This can be a simple change of the strap / bracelet, to changing the bezel insert or for the more adventurous, re-casing the watch and more. 

  • As most people that start down this road generally don’t have the expertise or the right tools to undertake such work, there are varying degrees of success that can be achieved. A lot of people start a modification project only to find its much harder than they thought and need assistance to finish the modifications. Additionally, the quality and finish of these projects are entirely dependant on the quality / state of the original watch being modified and the replacement parts used.

  • Therefore, to remove the risk factor and take things to the next level, why not have a Custom Mod Watch built for you from scratch !


  This is where we come in …


  • CUSTOM BUILDS - We have focused on the Seiko Dive ranges and use these as the base for our Ultimate High Quality bespoke custom builds, using the highest quality parts.

  • MODIFICATIONS - Alternatively we can modify your existing watch (depending on the make and model) for a much improved and updated look and feel, to your exact requirements.



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